
Saturday, 28 May 2011

Questions that governors might want to consider

Questions that governors might want to consider

53. The schools visited demonstrated the strong commitment that governors made to their schools and how willingly they gave of their time. They strived for the very best for the pupils and communities that they served. In reflecting on their own effectiveness, other governing bodies might wish to consider asking themselves some key questions. The questions below are offered as a starting point to help governors reflect on the important work that they do.

 How do we understand our roles and responsibilities and how they differ from those of the headteacher and senior staff?

 What do we know about the achievement of pupils and the quality of teaching in the school?

 How do we know that the information we have about our school is robust and accurate?

 How do we provide the right balance of professional support and challenge for the headteacher and senior staff to help them improve the school’s effectiveness?

 How do we use our time efficiently?

 How do we make best use of the skills and expertise of all members of the governing

 How do we know that the governing body is as effective as possible and could we do things better?

 How do we review our own performance regularly?

 How do we plan our training and development?

 Do we consider what might be needed when governors leave? How do we ensure we still continue to have the necessary skills and knowledge?

 How do we ensure that members of our governing body are prepared to step into important roles such as the chair of the governing body and chairs of committees?

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