Friday, 8 June 2012

Funding Trouble Ahead for Small schools?

The new School funding proposals which have recently undergone consultation by the department of Education could spell trouble for small schools it is claimed.

This is highlighted in a recent article in Norfolk which explores one scenario.

'The Government plans to bring in a “one size fits all” approach to funding will leave Norfolk’s smaller schools facing significant financial challenges'

'Officers have warned small primary schools with between 75 and 210 pupils “will be faced with financial challenges” 
The department for education (DfE) wants local authorities to introduce a single lump sum for all small schools in their areas in need of additional support on top of their per-pupil funding.
And it wants that amount capped at between £100,000 and £150,000.
The government claims the measure – part of a wider funding reform aimed at simplifying school funding – will help protect the country’s very small schools.
But its funding reform report also admits the changes will mean only “efficient, small schools are able to exist where they are genuinely needed”.
while the county’s smallest schools could emerge better off as a result of the changes, many more small primary and secondary schools will lose out.
Our very small schools [under 75 pupils] get a lump sum somewhere in the order of £75,000 to £100,000. If we were able to set a lump sum at £120,000, the view would be that those very small schools in Norfolk would probably be financially stable in the longer term.
Full story at
Story from Lancashire 
School Funding Proposals

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