Wednesday 8 December 2010

What Ofsted think of School Governance in their annual report

I have only just round to reading the Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills. The full report can be downloaded from Ofsted.

The report notes that School governance was outstanding or good in 56% of schools, which is significant decrease on 70% in 2008/09. The report goes on to say:

“The strength of leadership and management is pivotal to schools’ improvement. Effective leaders know their school well and set ambitious targets based on perceptive self-evaluation"

"School Governance is one of the weaker aspects of leadership inspected this year, being good or outstanding in 56% of schools. In just over a fifth of the schools inspected, School governance was judged to be less effective than leadership, which suggests that there is potential in many schools for governors to make a greater contribution than they do at present to improving outcomes"

"School Governors are most effective when they are fully involved in the school’s self-evaluation and use the knowledge gained to challenge the school, understand its strengths and weaknesses and contribute to shaping its strategic direction. In contrast, weak governance is likely to fail to ensure statutory requirements are met, for example those related to safeguarding. In addition, where governance is weak, the involvement of governors in monitoring the quality of provision is not well-enough defined or sufficiently rigorous and challenging.”

A new Ofsted framework is coming which will focus on four key areas: pupil achievement, the quality of teaching, leadership and management, and the behaviour and safety of pupils. There will be a consultation process about the new framework which will be released soon.

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