Wednesday, 22 June 2011

ICT School Governor

ICT School Governor
The ICT Governor

Many Local Authorities and Schools still consider it to be "best practice" to appoint an ICT governor to be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the school's ICT policy. The former British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) previously outlined the following strands for the role of an ICT governor:

To consider funding and training requirements to meet ICT targets.

To contribute to the formulation of the ICT policy and plan.

To co-ordinate the ICT plan across the curriculum.

To co-ordinate the ICT plan for administration with the curriculum plan.

To monitor legal requirements for ICT.

To monitor the development of ICT as a curriculum subject.

To realise the potential of ICT as a resource for governors.

A Framework for the ICT Governor

In consultation with the headteacher, the governor with responsibility for ICT should, ensure that:

All staff are adequately trained to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning and that they make effective use of the resources available.

The school receives value for money in its negotiations with ICT contractors for hardware, software, training and maintenance.

The ICT policy is implemented effectively and takes on board any new government initiatives or policy.

All avenues for further funding for ICT are explored.

School Governors should be aware of the future plans for ICT development in the school. More than any other subject, the ICT hardware provision relies heavily on a vision of future technologies.

Some questions for ICT Governors to ask

Where do we see the ICT provision in the next five years? (A hardware plan is a vital document to determine the amount of money allocated for ICT provision).

What provision is made for ICT in the School Development Plan?

How are computers to be accessed by the children? Is there space for a suite of computers or if not, how are they to fit into the classroom area?

Are the computers networked? If so, how are these managed and what is the provision for technical support?

How are new technologies to be introduced, e.g. multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, video-conferring, Ipads, Tablets, laptops etc? (As schools take on board more advanced technology it is important that governors evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of ICT resourcing across the curriculum).

What controls are there on pupil access to inappropriate Internet sites?

Some further points

At a curriculum level, a governor with responsibility for ICT should be familiar with the ICT policy including the school's position on Internet access and Esafety.

School Governors should be aware that ICT could be used to enhance teaching and learning across all subjects, in addition to the strands within the ICT curriculum, and that it can effectively support children with special educational needs.

As staff undertake training there should be evidence that ICT is being used effectively for subject areas.

For management purposes governors should encourage and support staff on the hardware and software applications to be used to improve efficiency and reduce costs in school administration, and should act as a "critical friend".

Based on advice from Thurrock Council

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