The Ten Golden Rules for Good School Governance
Abide by these and you won’t go far wrong!
1. Get to know your school
Attend the special events organised by your school and celebrate its successes
Offer to help at events or with visits
Arrange visits during the school day
Get to know the staff, the pupils and the wider school community
Seek out and read information about your school, including its performance
2. Attend meetings regularly
Make sure you note dates and times of any meetings – ask if you are unsure
Prepare well by reading all the documentation in advance – note any questions you may have or anything you want to say
If you cannot attend make sure you let the Chair know and the reason why you cannot attend
3. Be a team player
Treat all governors as equal
Be willing to help and to learn from each other
Abide by the majority decision even if you don’t agree
Don’t disagree in public with the Governing Body after a decision has been taken
If you want the Governing Body to reconsider a decision you must ask for it to be put on the agenda at the next meeting
4. Make a positive contribution
Make the most of the skills you have to offer
When in doubt about anything, ask
Make sure you are aware of the training available to governors
Make use of the governor websites and other relevant online information
5. Follow procedures in meetings
Signal to the Chair when you want to speak
Don’t interrupt others
Listen to differing points of view and learn
Don’t monopolise the discussion or refer back to matters which have been decided
Don’t raise matters under ‘Any other business’ unless it is genuinely urgent and could not have been foreseen when the agenda was drawn up
6. Remember that as an individual you have no authority
You can only speak and act on behalf of the Governing Body when it has formally delegated the power to you
The Governing Body may also delegate powers to a committee
If you want to raise a matter, you should ask for it to be put on the agenda
7. Be clear – you are neither a representative nor a delegate
You have a duty and a responsibility to put forward the views of those who appointed you
e.g. other parents, the staff etc. This ensures diverse views are put forward
However, when it comes to a vote, you must weigh up all the arguments and vote the way your conscience directs for the good of the pupils and the school.
8. Maintain confidentiality and discretion
Sometimes the business of the Governing Body is confidential-keep this confidence and act
with integrity
Although the minutes of meetings (Part A only) are made public, the details of the discussion that takes place should remain confidential
The Part two or B section of the meeting (if any) remains entirely confidential and minutes are not made public
The more trust placed in you by the school, the school community and other governors, the more effective you can be in your role as a governor
9. Declare any personal interest
Don’t use your position as a governor to gain an advantage or benefit in other situations
If a matter under discussion affects you personally and/or financially, you should declare an interest at the start and you may be asked to withdraw from that part of the meeting
10. Act as ambassador for your school
Find every opportunity to make good news public
Never talk down your school in public
Never gossip about individual staff or pupils with others
If things are going wrong, ask yourself if you are part of the problem or part of the solution
Be there for your school
The Ten Golden Rules are from East Riding Association of Governing Bodies
Excellent list but not sure I wholly agree with point 7. Although I guess it is up to each governing body to decide how it approaches this, we've always advocated that you are elected (assuming you are) as a representative person of a particular group, but that you are NOT there to, necessarily, put forward the views of that group.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate that you sum up by saying you must vote in good conscience, but I think governors, once elected, use their own experience, knowledge and judgement to put forward any relevant views that they think need to be considered in the best interests of the school, staff and children.
HC (@happy_chap)