Saturday, 5 March 2011

Why is 'staying strategic' important?

Why is 'staying strategic' important?

School governors' main role is as part of the school's strategic management team, accountable to the community that the school serves for its overall performance. It is the headteacher who is accountable - to the Governing Body - for the day-to-day running of the school.

Separating 'strategic' from 'day-to-day' is important for two main reasons: confusion and ambiguity about who runs an organisation is often damaging, tending to lower staff morale and'customer satisfaction';

School governors must avoid involvement with matters that could come to them on appeal. (Someone who has raised an issue with school can appeal to the Governing Body if dissatisfied with the outcome.)

Elected governors (staff and parents) always have a day-to-day connection with the school and perhaps, therefore, have more of a challenge in avoiding being drawn inappropriately into day-to-day issues.

Tips to help with 'staying strategic' - these apply equally to all governors:

Focus, as a governor, on dealing with matters of policy, principle, high-level planning and associated documentation: the so-called 'helicopter view'. You should generally be looking outward from school and forward in time, helping to drive improvement in the school service in whatever circumstances you foresee.

If you become aware of a groundswell of opinion among stakeholders on a topic, positive or negative, it may be helpful to informally let the headteacher know.

Promote use of the agreed suggestions / complaints / grievances procedures: avoid promising to 'solve a problem' or bringing individual's issues to the Governing Body.

You are strongly encouraged to visit the school to maintain contact and gather information on the progress of plans and application of policies. Visits are learning opportunities that assist you with informed decision-making, and are also opportunities to emphasise your strategic role. (Visits should always be pre-arranged as part of a plan and protocol, and any queries arising should be raised informally with the headteacher.)

Taken from Advice on Birmingham City Website For School Governors

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't mention monitoring. If you want to raise standards within a school focus on monitoring key performance measures.
